Local History
     Conception Bay South, Newfoundland

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It is my desire and that of the contributors to contribute numerous materials offering a wide scope of life and times of our ancestors! Thank you to my many contributors: Dianne Williams, Sue O'Neil, Don Smith, Bonnie Hickey, Thomas Hynes, Sally Lawrence, Eileen Walsh, Owen Kelly, Susan Lawrence.

Our communities encompass the following communities starting at Avondale and wrapping around Conception Bay to Cape St. Francis and Bell Island.  We also have included family names common to the community.  If we have missed any, please advise us.

AVONDALE    Family names :- Mahany (1700's) Abbot, Barnes, Barron, Bartlett, Beer, Beeso, Bennett, Besso, Billard, Boland, Broomfield, Brophy, Clairmont, Cleary, Coffin, Corbett, Costello, Dyke, Dwyer, Ezekiel, Fagan, Fewer, Flaherty, Flynn, Foley, Ghaney, Goobie, Hynes, Jackman, Kenny, Lahey, Lawlor, Lewis, Lyons, Maddigan, Mahar, Mahoney, Maloney, Marsh, Mason, McCarthy, McDonald, McGrath, McKee, McWilliam, Meaney, Murphy, Myers, Noftall, Nolan, O'Brien, O'Driscoll, O'Leary, O'Toole, Parsley, Penney, Power, Quinlan, Quirk, Roache, Roche, Rose, Rotchford, Ryan, St. John, Seviour, Seymour, Slaney, Strapp, Sullivan, Terry, Turner,  Veitch, Vokey, Walsh, Whelan, Woodford.

GALLOWS COVE    is included with Harbour Main.
HARBOUR MAIN     Family names:- Cleary, Costelow, Costello, Costigan, Dalton, Donnelly, Doyle, Ezekiel, Furey, Gorman, Hannin, Hickey, Hicks, Holden, Joy, Keefe (Keeffe) Keating, Kennedy, Lecoure (LeCour), MacDonnell, Mason, Meany, Merner, Moore, Mullowney, Murry, Parsley, Penney, Pennell, Strapp, Sullivan, terry, Wall, Walsh, Woodford

CHAPELS COVE      Family names: Fure (1700),  Fury, Byrne, Costello, Gorman,  Kenndy, Nowlan, Wall

WOODFORD     Family names:- Doran, Dwyer, Fewer, Gorman, Healey, LaCour, Woodford

LAKEVIEW is included with Holyrood.
HOLYROOD     Family names:- Barrett, Beeso, Bennett, Benson, Boland, Brien, Browne, Butler, Byrne, Cody, Cremen, Deady, Delahanty, Duff, Duggan, Dwyer, Eddy, Ezekial, Farrell,  Fitzgerald, Flanigan, Flemming, Fowler, Harvey, Healey (Healy), Hickey, Hawco, Hynes,  Joy, Kelly, Kennedy, Lewis,  Moore, Mullowney, Murry, Murphy, O'Neil, Penney (Penny), Pendergast,  Quinlan, Ryan, Slater, Taplin, Timmins, Veitch, Wall, Walsh, Westerman, Williams, Woodford



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SEAL COVE    Family names: - Anthony, Butler, Dawe, Dowden, Lear, Morgan

UPPER GULLIES       Family names:- Andrews, Coates (Cootes), Scott

LAWRENCE POND       Former name Middle Bight.  Family names:- Bishop, butler, Clooney (Cluney, Cluny), Hains (Haines), Parmiter, Pelton, Pennell, Taylor

KELLIGREWS    Family names:- Anthony, Dawe (Daw), Dwyer, Farrell, Griffin, Hennessy, Hibbs, Hussey,Kelligrew, LeDrew (KeDroe), Mercer, Noswory, Nugent, Parmiter, Rogers, Simmonds, Snow,Tilley (Tilly), Walsh, Whiten

FOXTRAP    Family names:- Batten, Bishop, Butler, Delaney, Feagan (Fagan), Greeley (Grealey, Graly), Keeble, Kennedy, Mealy, Petten, Porter, Sidans, Taylor

LONG POND    Family names: - Aid, Baird, Bishop, Collett, Conway, Dawe (Daw), Eason, Greenslade, Haddon, Janes, Jerraries, Kennedy, Perrin, Porter, Ridout (Rideout) Stanley, Sweetman, Taylor

MANUELS    Family names: - Atkins, Lawrence, Morgan, Neal, Smith, Squires, Tobin, Williams

CHAMBERLAINS    Family names - Casey, Cheater, Dowden, Fitzpatrick, Foster, Fowler, Hiscock, Medcalf, Mercer, Slade, Smith, Stickley, Squires, Williams

TOPSAIL    Family names:-Allen, Barnes, Boggin, Brine, Carter, Chaytor, Christopher, Churchill, Daly (Daley), Flannery, Fowlor, Geehan, Gleeson, Hibbs, Holly, Kennedy, King, Mercer, Metcalfe, Miller, Moyes, Neville, Parmiter, Smith, Snow, Somers (Somerton), Squires, Swansborough

PARADISE    Coombs, Goose, Janes, Murphy, Lynch

ST. THOMAS    Clarke, Laurie, Lawlor, Picco, Stapleton, Travers, Whelan

ST. PHILLIP'S     Family names:- Maynard, Mitchell, Morgan, Oliver, Parrell, Pear, Squres,                                  Tucker

PORTUGAL COVE     Family names:- Bradbury, Churchill, Earle, Fry, Greeley, Hammond, Hanlon, Harding, Harvey, Neary,Picco, Somerton

BAULINE     (BALINE) Family names: King, Butler, Burk, Getheral, Melvin, LeGrow, Whelan

BISCAYAN COVE     Family names: Baldwin, Bragg, Butt, Connors, Diamond, Evans, Hudson, Moulton, Moores, Legrow, Gould, Gruchy, Langmead, Noseworthy, Shea, Sullivan.

CAPE ST. FRANCIS a beautiful lighthouse sitting in solitude.

 BELL ISLAND    Family names:- Beckford, Bennett, Bowdran, Brown, Clement, Conners, Cooper, Cummins, Doyle, Dwyer, Fitzgerald, Foley, Hammond, Harvey, Hiscock, Jackman, Kavanaugh, Kelly, Kennedy, Kent, King, Leahy, Murphy, Normore, Parsons Penril, Pitts, Power, Quigley, Redmond, Reece, Rice, Roberts, Rough, Searel, Skehan, Sparks, Stiles, Whelan

Welcome to the weary traveler. Here you will find the community names that this site is dedicated.  You will find picturesque scenery, attractive parks, fabulous sport fishing.  Enjoy! ConceptionBay discovered 1500 by Gaspard de Cortereal. A brave Portuguese, discovered the northeast coast of Newfoundland and named all the principal bays and head lands and made charts from his discoveries. Conception Bay includes Bell Island, Little Bell Island and Kelly's Island.

Avondale where you can picnic and view the quaint countryside.
Bell Island named for an offshore rock. Bell Island offers a panoramic view of the entire Conception Bay area.Cape St. Francis is found on the earliest maps in existence, chartered in 1527.  Gasper Corte Real perhaps bestowed the name on his voyage in 1501. Manuels has a personal touch. It was my birthplace. William and John Smith were brothers, William being my forefather.


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Last modified: February 09, 2003